University/Schools Alliance Executive Minutes          

February 17, 2010 3:30 PM
at Arcadia University


Attending:      Linda Brasel, Arcadia University
                         Howard Isenberg,  Open Door, Inc.
                        Yvonne Nass, Parent Education Consultant
                        LTC Greg Snapp, DE National Guard
                         Rosemary Brooks, Sanford Parent
                        Tiffani Nibbs, DSAMH
                        Isabel Rivera-Green, DSAMH
                        Nancy Chase, UD Wellspring
                        Liz Dubravcic, Public Health

Staff Attending:  Roberta Gealt, Mary Perno


Grants-DFC-The renewal for the 10th & final year for USA's grant is due by Monday, February 22nd.  The bulk of the grant is for salary, fringe benefits, mandatory travel and a tiny bit for supplies.  The budget covers 20% of Roberta Gealt, 80% of Mary Perno and 20% of Kathy Ware, who is responsible for some clerical tasks and also helps Mary with events and trainings.  There is also some funding for a graphic artist, who has not yet been identified.  After the USA DFC grant is over, it may be possible to apply for another one based on a statewide coalition.  There are, however, indications that the DFC grants will not be continued by the current administration.

The application for the carryover funds from year 8 was submitted for $6283.  The Federal grant manager responded that there was over $10,000 available.  Once we actually have confirmation that the funds will definitely be available, we will set a date for the Policy Summit and the Physicians Initiative Conference.

Grants-SPF-SIG-A subcommittee of the Advisory Council has started to write a strategic plan for the implementation of the grant.  They have invited community members, state agencies and schools to participate.  The first thing that they must do is define what a "community" is.

The SPF-SIG will last for 5 years, but the State also needs long-term plans that outlive the SPF-SIG. On March 8th, there will be a meeting to make a statewide strategic plan for substance abuse prevention.  If you wish to attend this meeting, please contact Isabel Rivera-Green at  The meeting will take place at Del Tech in Dover, DE. 

Events-Town Hall Meetings-The kick off meeting for the Town Hall Meetings in Delaware will be on Thursday, February 25th at Buena Vista from 8:30-11:30 AM.  DSAMH will be doing the media presentation.  DDATA will offer to provide data from our surveys.  DSAMH will talk about the SPF-SIG grant and support they can provide for the Town Hall Meetings.  OPEI will have Gillespie-Hall talk about the video they are producing on underage drinking in Delaware.  Roberta will provide materials, including handouts on underage drinking in Delaware and the SAMSHA booklet on how to run a Town Hall Meeting.

THM-We know of a couple of dates for the meetings, they are:

University of Delaware           March 24th     7:00 PM

Newark High School                March 25th     7:00 PM (Yvonne Nass, Fac., Dr. Myria Mack-                                                                                                           Williams)

It was suggested that we do a short survey at the end of each meeting.  This would probably be a good opportunity to distribute the community surveys for individuals and organizations developed to provide public perspective to the needs assessment being done by DDATA.  It will also be sent to schools, community organizations, and faith-based organizations and there will be a press release in the News Journal with links to the surveys (which are also available in Spanish versions). 

Events:  Physicians Initiative-This will probably take place next summer (2010), but it must be held before Sept. 30th, in order to use current year grant funds and year 8 carryover funds.  Linda Brasel thinks that Saturday would be the best day in early August or mid September for the doctors.  Howard Isenberg will talk to Wendy Gainor from the Medical Society. He will also find out about possibly using the Ammon Center at Christiana Care Hospital.  At this conference we would like to stress the importance of using Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), and other simple diagnostic tools.  USA will develop a resource list to provide attendees.   The focus of this conference will be on New Castle County.  If it's a success, we will go statewide for next year.  Those attending can earn credits.  Roberta will ask Dr. Margot Waitz to participate. Rosemary Brooks had Dr. Gordon Reed speak at one of her Town Hall Meetings, and recommended him also.  He is from the Christiana Care Emergency Department.

Events-College Meeting-Nicole Solomon has been meeting with Del State University and Wesley College.

Events-On Applebee Pond-Mary Perno & Kathy Ware have been providing trainings at Seaford HS and Southern Delaware School of the Arts.  They will be going back to Seaford later this month to do a training for another group of YELL students.

Events-Parent to Parent-Lou Columbo, who now manages the Passages Group which markets the Parent to Parent program, wants to come up to DE to do a training, maybe sometime in April.  This could be marketed to help parents get ready for summer and help with the transition into high school.

Delaware Alcohol Laws-Roberta passed out a draft sheet listing Delaware Alcohol Laws and major types of laws that Delaware does not have.

USA By-Laws-Roberta had e-mailed all of us the USA By-Laws.  We reviewed and voted on it. The by-laws were accepted.


Ltc. Greg Snapp needs about 1 1/2 weeks if someone would like to"attend" our USA Executive meetings by teleprompter from elsewhere in the state.  If anyone would like to take advantage of this, please let us know.